Check it out 👀

Check it out 👀

Imagine, you’re standing on the field with your team. The warm-up is done, and it’s time for a small sided game. Your training plan says 4 rounds of 3 minutes.

The first two rounds are all about "getting used to it." Round 3 shows some improvement. Round 4 finally proves: now the team is ready. Let's get started.

But—it's already the last round. You just waisted 12 minutes of your training time.

This happened to us too often. We were looking for a different approach. Training time is the most valuable thing we have as coaches. So, the team needs to be fully ready after the warm-up. That’s the purpose of the warm-up. This is how the Colorball journey started for us.

How It All Began

"Let’s get our team ready as quickly as possible, fully prepared, to make the most out of our training time."

But how?

It was winter. In our ball bag, we had our usual white training balls, along with some magenta ones. That’s when the idea hit us: "Let’s attach an information to the ball color and quickly switch the balls during our game forms. This way, our players have to stay alert, help each other, and engage their minds from the very beginning."

Said and done.

After a week of searching for high quality colored balls (which was much harder than expected) and designing a drill, the magic unfolded on the training ground. Our players were not only fully ready after the drill, but they were also fired up, eager to challenge themselves, and constantly aiming to improve. Drill 101, the origin of our concept, was born. You’ll find this drill in the Warm up drill package.

Very quickly, we integrated our concept into all parts of our training, designed our game forms with it, and reached a level with our team that was beyond our expectations—and in a timeframe we never thought it was possible.

The Colorball Journey Begins

Imagine all coaches and teams benefiting from this. It’s so simple: colored balls, provocational rules, and information linked to them, and you have an environment where maximum development becomes easy.

That’s why Colorballs are now available for everyone.

Cognitive team training has never been this easy!