Making goalkeepers faster in their brains

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In modern soccer, speed is everything—not just physical speed but, most importantly, speed of thought. And this applies just as much to our number one, the goalkeeper.

Marc Lamberger, goalkeeper coach at Bundesliga club Austria Klagenfurt, therefore likes to use Colorballs in his training.

The Colorballs make it easier for the goalkeeper coach to combine cognitive stimuli with goalkeeper-specific actions.

As a result, goalkeepers not only have to react faster but also activate all the important cognitive abilities required in modern goalkeeping.

The cognitive demands of a goalkeeper include:

  • Perceiving a lot of information
  • Inhibiting irrelevant stimuli
  • Making quick decisions
  • Communicating frequently
  • Maintaining maximum attention over a long period

The Colorballs are a simple tool to strengthen all these essential skills in our goalkeepers.

An absolute must for every goalkeeper coach!

If you want more insights into how Marc uses the Colorballs in his goalkeeper training, check out the article by Artur Stopper, published on August 8, 2024, on

GoalGuard | Colorballs - Make goalkeepers faster in the head

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